Volume 03, No 02 (2010)
Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Identification and Job Involvement among Temporary and Permanent Employees- Relational Analysis
Farah Iqbal, Shumaila Qasem, Farah Anwar
Repellent Activity of the Essential Oil from Capparis tomentosa against Maize Weevil sitophilus zeamais
Kabugi Mwangi J, Mary Ndung’u, Leonard Gitu
Assessment of Indigenous Knowledge Practices for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Idemili South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria
Nnadi, F.N., Chikaire, J., Ezudike, K. E.
Impact of HRM practices on employee participation and organizational commitment in government commercial banks of Bangladesh
Mohammad Bin Amin, Mohammad Sarwar Hossain Islam
Evaluation of Borehole Water Supply Schemes in Ejigbo Local Government, Osun State, Nigeria
Toyobo A.E.